Iran Body Count

This space has been created to show the violence and deliberate killing of people in Iran after the presidential elections on the 12th of June 2009. Principally it is dedicated to the victims of shootings and people tortured to death in detention centres. If you have any information on these cases, please send them to If you do not wish, we will not publish names and sensitive details.

این وبلاگ به منظور نشان دادن گوشه ای از خشونت و کشتار حکومت غاصب جمهوری اسلامی در دوره انتخابات است ۲۲ ذخرداد مخصوصا برای قربانیان بعد انتخابات و کسانی که در تیر اندازی ها به صورت رحشیانه ای از دست رفتند نظرات خود را می توانید به این آدرس ارسال کنید و کسنی که مایل به چاپ مشغخصات خود هستند بی نام و نشان چاپ می شوند از حضور گرم شما سپاسگزاریم


Haj Dadollah Moradzehi

February 21, 2010, disponible from archive
A citizen from the state of Sistan and Baluchestan who was arrested about 8 months ago was executed in the city of Zahedan yesterday, February 20, 2010

HRANA - Haj Dadollah Moradzehi who had been arrested by Sistan and Baluchestan Protection agents in July was executed in the city of Zahedan on Saturday, February 20, 2010. According to Sunni News, Haj Dadollah Moradzehi was executed in the city of Zahedan yesterday, Saturday, February 20. He was arrested by Sistan and Baluchestan Protection agents in July and later sent to the intelligence office. Despite the fact that one month prior to his arrest, the government had agreed to a Guarantee of Security for him, he was tortured in prison and his execution order was carried out regardless of the submission of evidence of his innocence. Haj Dadollah Moradzehi was the paternal uncle of Khodayar Rahmatzehi who was executed on orders from the Revolutionary Court two weeks ago.

Mehdi Nilforoushzadeh

Mehdi Nilforoush-Zadeh was a Student, shot by security forces on 13 Aban, or November 4th, 2009

مجلس کشته شدن یک جوان اصفهانی در تیراندازی های 13 آبان را بررسی می کند

نوروز : پس از انتشار خبری تایید نشده، مبنی بر اینکه ماموران نیروی انتظامی ظهر امروز وارد خانه پسر جوانی که در راهپیمایی روز13 آبان حضور داشت، شده و پس از بروز درگیری او را به ضرب گلوله کشته اند، یک عضو کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس از پیگیری درخصوص صحت و سقم این موضوع خبر داد.

این دانشجوی اصفهانی به نام مهدی نیلفروش‌زاده، اهل اصفهان و دانشجوی ارمنستان بوده است. بر اساس اخبار تایید نشده، ماموران پس از شناسایی او در مراسم13 آبان، ظهر امروز به قصد بازداشت این جوان دانشجو به منزل پدری او رفته و با او و خانواده اش درگیر شدند، در جریان این درگیری بهنام نیلفروش زاده با اسلحه نیروی انتظامی کشته می شود.

سبحانی نیا، عضو هیات رییسه کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس در خصوص این موضوع به پارلمان نیوز گفت: اگر این خبر صحت داشته باشد کمیسیون حتما وارد مساله شده و پیگیری خواهد کرد.
وی تاکید کرد:«باید اطلاعات و اخبار مربوط به این مساله به کمیسیون ارجاع شود.»

این نماینده اصولگرای مجلس همچنین گفت: نیروی انتظامی پیش از برگزاری مراسم 13 آبان هشدار داده بود که با تجمعات غیرقانونی و شعارهای خارج از عرف این روز برخورد خواهد کرد.

به گزارش نوروز، این درحالی است که براساس اخبار تایید نشده ای که درخصوص کشته شدن این جوان منتشر شده، نیروی انتظامی امروز، یعنی 3روز بعد از راهپیمایی 13 آبان، در منزل این شخص با وی درگیر شده است


Ali Shahnazar

Ali Shahnazar was 41. He was killed on September 18, 2009. Ali Shahnazar who had returned from France recently was arrested on Quds Day. His body was returned to his family three days later. They were threatened not to discuss the circumstance of their child murder with anyone. The details of his murder are not clear at this time. But what is clear is that he was murdered in the custody of the criminal regime of Iran. If anybody has any details, feel free to post or send them

New names

On the website Iran Crime Watch (Persian, English), there are some other names:

Amir Mehdi Hamzeluie, allegedly died after was attacked by "plain-cloth" forces of the regime in Tehran, no other information given.

Hesam Hanifeh, 19, shot and killed in a street protest on June 15, in Tehran Freedom Square, by the security forces. His body is buried in Emamzadeh Abdollah in Karaj.

Hamid Rezaee, allegedly killed in Esfahan, Homayoon Shahr, there is a film allegedly showing his body in the morgue, disponible here.

Mr. Shafi-e Nejad, first name unknown, according to the Esfahan's human rights defenders, he was killed on June 15 in Esfahan in a street protest.

Somayyeh Jafar-Gholi, a Computer Engineer, she was shot in the head, in the first week of October 2009, on the Tehran-Ghom Highway, the source of the story is given as, but the link is broken and it is not clear who were the perpetrators of this murder.

Any information is highly welcome.

Unknown man shot in Sirjan

This is a photo extracted from a quite graphic video, disponible here, one source stating 22 December or 25 December 2009. It shows a man, shot dead in Sirjan.

Amir Eslamian

Amir Eslamian - امیر اسلامیان

This young man was Amir Eslamian, he was a student, killed in November 2009 in Bukan.
Amir Eslamian was a member of Karubi's campaign in Hamedan. He was expelled from Yasuj University in 2008 due to his political activities. Because of his role in Karroubi's presidential campaign, he went into hiding. But after a few days his body was discovered near his village in Bukan district.
Source in Persian.

توضیحات: به گزارش چهارشنبه 11 آذر۸۸ شبکه جنبش راه سبز(جرس) امير اسلاميان دانشجوی کرد دانشگاه ياسوج و عضو ستاد انتخاباتی مهدی کروبی در همدان چند روز پيش به طور مشکوکی به قتل رسيد. اسلاميان که از دانشجويان دانشگاه دولتی ياسوج بوده از طرف مسئولان اين دانشگاه به دليل شرکت در فعاليت های صنفی و سياسی همواره مورد فشار و احضار به کميته انضباطی قرار می گرفت. امير اسلاميان در ترم بهمن ۸۶ بخاطر برگزاری همايش بزرگداشت شهدای واقعه حلبچه از جانب مسئولان دانشگاه به دليل نوع صحبتها و افشاگری هايش پيرامون نحوه کشتار مردم توسط برخی از مسوولان آن دوره مورد برخورد شديد و نامناسب قرار می‎گيرد و توسط کميته انضباطی دانشگاه ياسوج ابتدا به دو ترم محروميت از تحصيل و در نهايت به دانشگاه همدان تبعيد شد. اسلاميان بعد از اين اقدام برای ادامه تحصيل به دانشگاه همدان می‎رود و در آنجا نيز بعد از يک ترم تحصيل به دليل گزارش دانشگاه ياسوج پذيرفته نمی‎شود و دوباره به دانشگاه ياسوج بر می گردد که در تابستان ۸۷ از آنجا بصورت قطعی اخراج می شود. نامبرده که پس از عدم پذيرش از سوی دانشگاه همدان و اخراج از دانشگاه ياسوج از ترس دستگيری بخاطر شرکت فعال در فعاليتهای انتخاباتی ستاد مهدی کروبی در همدان ، از سوی نيروهای امنيتی خود را مخفی کرده بود بعد از چند روز به طرزی مشکوک به قتل رسيد. جسد اين جوان چند روز پيش در حوالی روستای محل سکونت خود روستای “چراخ‎وال” واقع در شهرستان بوکان پيدا شد. هنوز از علت قتل امير اسلاميان خبری در دست نيست

Majid Kamali

Majid Kamali (1985-2009) was murdered in detention on August 25, 2009 in Yazd. Majid Kamali was one of the Green Movement activists in the Emam Shahr district of the city of Yazd. He was arrested on August 25 at 6:00 AM and his body was transfered to "Afshar" hospital at 2:00 PM of the same day. Source:

مجید کمالی، ۲۴ ساله
وضعیت: در محبس به قتل زسید
زمان: سوم شهریور
مکان: یزد
توضیحات: «مجید کمالی» متولد 23 شهریور 1364 و به شماره شناسنامه 1460 متولد یزد و ساکن محله‌ی امام‌شهر در شهرستان یزد دست یافته است. وی از فعالان جنبش سبز بوده که در ساعت 6 صبح روز سوم شهریور از سوی نیروهای امنیتی دستگیر می‌شود و در ساعت 2 بعدازظهر همان روز جنازه‌ی وی را به بیمارستان افشار یزد می‌برند، که مسئولان بیمارستان از تحویل گرفتن آن خودداری می‌کنند. او به جرم سبز بودن، به قتل رسید

Ali Hassanpour

The martyred man on this well known photo has been identified by his wife as Ali Hassanpour, the interview with his wife (in Persian) is here. Ali Hassanpour, father of two children, is one of the first victim of people's uprising against the regime. He was killed on June 15 in Azadi square. His Body was returned to his family after 105 days.

Masoud Ali Mohammadi

Masoud Ali Mohammadi was a university professor of physics, killed in a terrorist act, probably by the regime's agents.

Watch this video گفتگو با یک خبرنگار داخلی‌ در پی ترور مسعود علی محمدی
A VOA video of the Dr. Ali-Mohammadi's murder scene.

Students Say Professor Ali Mohammadi Was Government Critic
قتل دکتر علیمحمدی تیتر مطبوعات وتلویزین‌های دنیا
The motive for the killing of the scientist, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, remains unclear. Colleagues said that he was not involved in the country’s nuclear program, but according to a report from Iran’s state-supported Press TV, a spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry accused foreign countries concerned that Iran may intend to develop nuclear weapons of being behind the murder. Iranian state television called Mr. Ali Mohammadi a “staunch supporter of the Islamic Revolution,” and The Los Angeles Times reported that the scientist was described in other Iranian media outlets as a former member of the Revolutionary Guards.One of Mr. Ali Mohammadi’s students said that he had severed his ties to the Revolutionary Guards years ago. The student added:

Since two months ago, he has been venting his frustration with almost everybody in the system. [...] He was openly criticizing high-ranking officials in classes.

After the explosion on Tuesday, an opposition Web site published the screen shot embedded below

واکنش خاتمی و هاشمی رفسنجانی به 'ترور' مسعود علی‌محمدی
Khatami and Rafsanjani condemn assassination of Physics professor Masoud Ali Mahammad
در ادامه واکنش ها به ترور مسعود علی محمدی، استاد دانشگاه در ایران اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی، رئیس مجلس خبرگان رهبری و محمد خاتمی، رئیس جمهور پیشین ایران پیام های تسلیت جداگانه ای صادر کردند. اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی در پیام تسلیتی از "شهادت مظلومانه" مسعود علی محمدی عضو هیات علمی دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه تهران ابراز تاسف کرد. او در پیام خود "ترور" آقای علی محمدی را نشانی از آغاز خط تازه توطئه علیه نظام اسلامی برشمرد و گفت: "مطمئنا مسئولان مربوطه با هوشیاری تمام برای خنثی شدن این توطئه شوم اقدام خواهند کرد. محمد خاتمی، رئیس جمهوری پیشین ایران هم در پیامی خطاب به منصوره کرمی، همسرمسعود علی محمدی نوشت که شهادت این "فرزند فرزانه ملت بزرگوار"،"جان همه دوستداران دانش و فرهنگ و اسلام و ایران را داغدار کرد و بار دیگرچهره کریه تروریسم را نشان داد".

Elahe, 24 years old

A youg woman, Elahe, 24 years old, was allegedly
assassinated at Passdaaraans' Eshrat-Abaad concentration camp on Friday
8 January 2010

بر طبق خبری از یک منبع موثق از داخل عشرت آباد:
دختری با نام کوچک الهه .24 ساله . (قد متوسط/ هنگام دستگیری مانتوی مشکی و شلوار لی بر تن داشته است) در هنگام بازجویی با برخورد صندلی به سر دچار خونریزی مغزی شده و بلافاصله به شهادت میرسد.
بر طبق گزارش رسیده این دختر از کودکان بی خانواده بوده که در یک نوانخانه ای (پرورشگاه) در کردستان دوران کودکی خود را گذرانده و سپس برای کار به تهران آمده است. وی در ماههای اخیر ظاهرا در یک تولیدی لباس در نزدیکی میدان انقلاب به عنوان کارگر برشکار مشغول بکار بوده است.
از آنجایی که این دختر هیچگونه ولی و رسیدگی کننده ای نداشته و بازجو دائما از او اسم و ادر اقوام و آدرس محل سکونت و افرادی که با او همکاری کرده اند را خواسته و در یک لحظه با عصبانیت صندلی را به سمت او پرتاب میکند و این امر موجب مرگ او در عصر روز 18 دیماه 1388 میشود.
جسد او را بلافاصله از پادگان به نقطه ای نا معلوم برده اند.

(به علاوه بر اساس همین گزارش , افراد زخمی در زندان عشرت آباد فاقد هرگونه درمان و داروی و لباس گرم میباشند و با دختران بسیار رفتار غیر انسانی میشود)

"لطفا اگر کسی از آدرس محل کار او خبری دارد با فعالین حقوق بشر در ایران تماس گیرد"

Anwar Ghafoori

Anwar Ghafoori (1978-2010)

Mostafa Mir Ebrahimi


یکی دیگر از دستگیرشدگان قیام در زیر شکنجه جلادان خامنه ای به شهادت رسید

به گزارش رسیده مصطفی میر ابراهیمی پس از تحمل شش ماه رنج و فشار در زندان در زیر شکنجه جلادان خامنه ای به شهادت رسید. وی متولد سوم اسفند۶۶ در تهران بود . مصطفی شش ماه پیش بر سر مزار "ندا" توسط مأموران سپاه ضدخلقی دستگیر و به محل نامعلومی برده شد. دوستانش که همراه وی بودند خبر دستگیری او را به خانواده اش می دهند، اما طی شش ماه تلاش و جستجو جلادان رژیم هیچ اطلاعی از وی به خانواده اش ندادند. نام وی در هیچ زندان و بازداشتگاه رسمی ثبت نشده بود. تا این که پس از شش ماه، چند روز پیش از طرف پزشکی قانونی جهت تشخیص چهره، پدرش را فرا می خوانند. پدر مصطفی فرزندش جوان شهید را می شناسد اما جلادان خامنه ای دژخیم پیکر پاکش را تحویل پدر و خانواده اش نمی دهند. ماموران رژیم هیچ خبری در مورد شهادت وی و محل آن به خانواده نداده و گفته اند که خودشان تدفین را انجام داده و پس از آن تنها نشانی محل دفن را خواهند گفت.

آخرین به روز رسانی ( سهشنبه، ۰۴ اسفند ۱۳۸۸ ۰۹:۳۷ )


Mostafa Mir Ebrahimi Dies from Pressures in Prison
After suffering six months, Mostafa Mir Ebrahimi has died from pressures in prison.

Mostafa Mir Ebrahimi was born February 22, 1987 in Tehran. Six months ago, Mostafa was arrested and taken to an unknown location by regime forces while he was at Neda Agha Soltan’s grave site.Mostafa’s friends who witnessed the arrest informed his family about the news. But after six months of efforts to search [for answers], the regime refused to release any information to his family. Mostafa’s name was not registered in any prisons or official lists for the arrested.After the six months, and a few days before the release of the forensic report, Mostafa’s father learned [of the death]. The regime has not allowed Mostafa’s body to be delivered to his family.Regime agents stated that they will first bury Mostafa before giving the family the address to the grave site.

Translation by: Laila M. | Persian2English

The horrible story of Arghavan and Zahed Shokrabi

In this video (in Persian with English subtitles) Bahram Moshiri is telling the story of Zahed Shokrabi (20) and his sister Arghavan(18), who were both detained in July 2009 in Esfahan. The prison guards named Moslem and Gheybi, beat heavily Zahed and told to his sister to get naked, if she does not want them to kill her brother. She did it and one of them begun to rape her. Her brother came to his senses and begun shouting but the prison guards killed him in front of his sister. After these events she is still totally out of her mind, she went completely crazy.

Ashoora victims

After the reports, during the Ashoora protests several people have been killed. The most known is Seyed Ali Habibi Mousavi (42), son of the presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. The names of the others are Mehdi Farhadinia (somewhere as Farhadi-Rad, 34), Mohammad Ali Rasekhinia (40), Amir Arshadi (30), Jahanbakht Pazouki, 50, and Shahram Faraji, also known as Farajzade Tarani, the young man overrun by a police car from the well known video. There is also an unidentified female run over by an other car, documented by at least two videos (older article).

An other should be Mostafa Karim Beigi, 26 years old, on the photo. He got a bulled in the head, it is possible that he is on this video.
Here is the interview with his mother translated to English (Persian original under the English version).
Other source in Persian here.

Sajjad Sabzalipour

Sajjad (Kaveh) Sabzalipour - سجاد (کاوه) سبزعلی‌پور

From a private source I received a news about the martyrdom of Sajjad Sabzalipour (nicknamed Kaveh), a young man of 24, who was killed by the basiji on the Enghelab square. Allegedly he has been hit in his eye by a bullet shot from a roof by a sniper. This news has been sent to me on the 8th of January 2010. He should be buried in the countryside of Rasht. This young man was allegedly an actor in TV series, even if I do not know him. This photo should be from the series Panjomin khorshid. If anybody knows more, please post or send it to me. The source is stating that it is not the same person named as Kaveh Alipour.
Here there is a mention of his name together with the name of an other martyr, Meisam Ebadi and there are more mentions in Persian.

Shahram vs. Shahrokh or others

Dear readers, I deeply apologise for my absence. I was very busy these days with my personal and work affairs and I did not have the time to catch up with the new events.
As you probably noticed, there was a big dispute over the videos circulating around the atrocities committed by the Iranian police during the Ashoora demonstrations.
A video of a man three times overrun by a car has been shown and the victim has been identified with at least two people, Shahram Farajzade Tarani and Shahrokh Rahmani.
Ultimately it has been proven that the victim is Shahram Tarani, for example by this photo. On the photo he is wearing the same shirt as at the moment of his martyrdom.

There have been considerable errors about the identification of the young martyr on the video, for example the VOA report identified him as Shahrokh Rahmani. It is possible that other people died during that day, but from the photos and videos it is clear that the man in that concrete video shown is Shahram Farajzade Tarani.